머신러닝 프로그래밍 12주차 - Binary classification with data Logistic regrsssion

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df1 = pd.read_csv("cat1.csv")
df0 = pd.read_csv("cat0.csv")
entry event En1 En2 dt dr x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
0 0 1 1.315638 1.804403 151.967212 42.143105 -1304.894054 478.462799 1544.333537 -1157.361908 606.067041 1766.707850
1 1 13 4.827913 2.283814 161.020364 1309.103187 -117.835790 -1464.457077 69.425318 -70.148754 -383.723470 -475.833903
2 2 16 3.011821 2.606455 72.997202 903.456139 1593.153637 -1100.580348 805.977081 1092.321506 -1257.393260 215.991954
3 3 22 3.109662 1.619302 95.681674 246.310774 1414.147550 300.466078 2036.144245 1510.664013 317.401116 2038.324112
4 4 37 2.795250 1.665277 85.430204 452.633419 -1185.771203 -1586.241286 -921.906685 -1048.390809 -1585.937883 -1129.581104
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9949 9949 99956 1.499017 2.253849 174.517405 938.596974 -1091.980671 1203.741862 -840.761911 -1055.791096 574.858610 -1024.616952
9950 9950 99957 2.705410 2.874333 715.772076 175.621626 950.171373 898.111879 -1897.760471 962.544864 677.295582 -1880.154811
9951 9951 99983 2.943438 2.512821 1179.579896 60.482252 -1437.391692 807.265834 1213.002043 -1571.892213 721.972273 1238.615481
9952 9952 99987 3.082408 2.868833 145.649583 494.576245 -1658.602340 -479.454709 -1472.514450 -1619.486255 -669.457050 -931.362227
9953 9953 99993 3.196240 1.490613 43.678549 213.871359 1165.018820 1386.749830 -722.045299 1158.905657 1062.491877 -889.901928

9954 rows × 12 columns

plt.hist(df0["dt"], bins=100, density=True, histtype="step");
plt.hist(df1["dt"], bins=100, density=True, histtype="step");


#density - 확률 밀도를 설정하기 위해 가중치 데이터를 정규화한다

plt.hist(df0["y1"]-df0["y2"], bins=100, range=(-2000,2000), density=True, histtype="step");
plt.hist(df1["y1"]-df1["y2"], bins=100, range=(-2000,2000), density=True, histtype="step");


plt.hist2d(df0["dt"], df0["y1"]-df0["y2"]);


plt.hist2d(df1["dt"], df1["y1"]-df1["y2"]);


df0 = df0[:9000]
df1 = df1[:9000]
# plt.plot 옵션 - https://namyoungkim.github.io/matplotlib/visualization/2017/10/06/visualization/

#markersize	(ms)->마커 크기

plt.plot(df0["dt"], df0["dr"], '.', ms=0.5)
plt.plot(df1["dt"], df1["dr"], '.', ms=0.5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f4cafacce10>]


plt.hist(4*df0["dt"]+df0["dr"], histtype="step")
plt.hist(4*df1["dt"]+df1["dr"], histtype="step")
(array([3.766e+03, 3.191e+03, 1.252e+03, 4.780e+02, 1.930e+02, 7.500e+01,
        3.300e+01, 6.000e+00, 4.000e+00, 2.000e+00]),
 array([  15.20712953,  810.57056653, 1605.93400353, 2401.29744052,
        3196.66087752, 3992.02431452, 4787.38775152, 5582.75118852,
        6378.11462551, 7173.47806251, 7968.84149951]),
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)


#시그 모이 드 함수는 수학적 로지스틱 함수입니다. 통계, 오디오 신호 처리, 생화학 및 인공 뉴런의 활성화 기능에 일반적으로 사용됩니다. 시그 모이 드 함수의 공식은F(x) = 1/(1 + e^(-x))입니다.
def sigmoid(z):
  return 1/(1+np.exp(-z))
def f(x, y, a, b, c):
  return a*x + b*y + c
dts1 = np.array(df1['dt'])/1000
dts0 = np.array(df0['dt'])/1000
drs1 = np.array(df1['dr'])/1000
drs0 = np.array(df0['dr'])/1000
label1 = np.ones(dts1.shape)
label0 = np.zeros(dts0.shape)
dts = np.concatenate([dts1, dts0])
drs = np.concatenate([drs1, dts0])
label = np.concatenate([label1, label0])
data = np.stack([dts, drs, label], axis=1) #가로축으로 합쳐진다
array([[0.38524939, 0.06985145, 1.        ],
       [0.03403795, 0.31482386, 1.        ],
       [0.01535261, 0.25602788, 1.        ],
       [0.56028966, 0.56028966, 0.        ],
       [0.3714466 , 0.3714466 , 0.        ],
       [0.28964576, 0.28964576, 0.        ]])
def gradF(x, y, a, b, c):
  # 1/(1+np.exp(-z))
  z = f(x, y, a, b, c)
  yy = sigmoid(z)*(1-sigmoid(z))
  # a*x + b*y + c
  da = yy*x
  db = yy*y
  dc = yy*1

  return da, db, dc
losses = []
fitA, fitB, fitC = 1, 1, 1
batchSize = 16
eta = 1e-3
for epoch in range(10000):
  sumLoss = 0.
  nBatch = 0
  for batch in range(0, len(data), batchSize):
    ### Compute loss
    x = data[batch:batch+batchSize+1].T  #DataFrame.transform()는DataFrame에 함수를 적용하고 DataFrame을 변환합니다.
    dt, dr, label = x[0], x[1], x[2]
    z = f(dt, dr, fitA, fitB, fitC)
    z = sigmoid(z)

    df = label - z
    loss = (df**2).mean()

    ### Gradient
    #grad = -2*df*gradF(dt, dr, fitA, fitB, fitC)
    gradA, gradB, gradC = gradF(dt, dr, fitA, fitB, fitC)
    gradA = (df*gradA).mean()
    gradB = (df*gradB).mean()
    gradC = (df*gradC).mean()

    ### parameter update
    fitA = fitA + gradA*eta
    fitB = fitB + gradB*eta
    fitC = fitC + gradC*eta

    ### loss monitor
    sumLoss += loss
    nBatch += 1

plt.plot(losses, '.-');


data0 = data[data[:,2]==0]
data1 = data[data[:,2]==1]
plt.hist(sigmoid(f(data0.T[0], data0.T[1], fitA, fitB, fitC)), histtype='step')
plt.hist(sigmoid(f(data1.T[0], data1.T[1], fitA, fitB, fitC)), histtype='step')
(array([ 101.,  133.,  146.,  177.,  260.,  320.,  527.,  900., 1776.,
 array([8.41085958e-04, 9.27254960e-02, 1.84609906e-01, 2.76494316e-01,
        3.68378726e-01, 4.60263136e-01, 5.52147546e-01, 6.44031956e-01,
        7.35916366e-01, 8.27800777e-01, 9.19685187e-01]),
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)


plt.plot(f(data.T[0], data.T[1], fitA, fitB, fitC), data.T[2], '.', ms=10, alpha=0.01)
#plt.hist(f(data1.T[0], data1.T[1], fitA, fitB, fitC)), histtype='step')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f4cac627850>]
