프로세스 마이닝 개요

프로세스 마이닝

process mining is the techniques of extracting knowledge from event logs (프로세스마이닝은 이벤트로그들로 부터 데이터를 추출하는 기술이다.)

이벤트로그 - 사용자 이력을 파악하기 위해 로그 데이터를 남김

  • these techniques provide new means to discover,monitor,and improve processes in a variety of application domains.

it’s BPM(business process management), but upside-down.

process mining -> bottom-up fashion

you don’t need to have a model of your process to analyze it.

with process mining, you get a process model from these data.

business intelligence vs. process mining

  • business intelligence(BI) : tools and methods that use data to support decision making.
  • process intelligence : business intelligence focusing on business process management(BPM)
  • process mining : techniques,tools,and methods to discover,monitor and improve real processes


event logs for process mining


three main types of process mining: discovery, conformance,and enhancement



benefits of process mining

  • Manually creating a process description (mapping) is:
    1. time consuming
    2. biased
    3. incomplete
    4. inaccurate
  • automated process discovery eliminates these issues.
    1. it takes a consultant a few months and many meetings and interviews just to model a process

data collection


process discovery

  • 밑에 모델은 petri-net으로 그려짐
  • petri-net은
    1. 비동기성과 동기성의 성격을 가진 시스템을 잘 표현하는 모델링 도구
    2. 플레이스와 트랜지션으로 구성된 그래프
    3. 시스템의 상태,행위 등을 플레이스로 나타내고, 상태,행위의 변화를 야기하는 사건을 트랜지션으로 나타낸다
    4. 플레이스를 원으로, 트랜지션을 상자로, 아크를 화살표가 있는 선으로, 토큰을 작은 원으로 표현한다.
    5. 네트의 변화를 결정하여 시스템의 변화를 파악할 수 있는 장점을 제공한다


ProM 5.2: process discovery


evaluating the discovered process


Conformance Checking

  • event log와 process model의 일치성을 검사


ProM 5.2 : Conformance checking





bringing it all together



  1. control-flow perspective focuses on the control-flow,the ordering of activities.
  2. organizational perspective focuses on information about resources hidden in the log
  3. time perspective is concerned with the timing and frequency of events.
  4. case perspective focuses on properties of cases, cases can also be characterized by the values of the corresponding data elements.

출처 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlrxhKaE4E (경희대 정재윤 교수님)